It’s not all about what we do….It’s also about how we do it !!!
We assign you your own unique username and password for access our secure state of the art web based background reporting software. Once logged in you have the ability to run your own background checks 24 hours a day from either a custom package we have set up for you or if you choose just an ala carte search on a specific area of interest.
For example: Let‘s say you are looking to hire a driver for your delivery trucks. Why initially spend the money for a full background check when you can start by running just a drivers license check. If they have a good driving record you can continue with the rest of the background screening. If a bad driving record eliminates them as a candidate you have just saved yourself or your company the cost of a full background check.
Depending on the searches you request many are returned to you instantly. For those that require some further leg work on our part we go to great efforts to have your completed results back to you in the shortest time possible.
Pre-employment background screenings - Tenant Screenings |
Background solutions online Management is one of the most progressive and industry leading pre-employment and tenant background screening firms in the industry. We offer unique services at an unbeatable price and a turn around time that our competitors only wish they could achieve. Our customer service is unmatched in the industry by our trend setting dedication to our clients. Every one of us at Background Solution Services is 100% responsible for each client’s experience with our products.
  Background Solutions Online offer: |
- State Wide Criminal Records
- Federal, State, and County Records
- International Criminal Records or Credit Reports
- Driving Records/Motor Vehicle Reports
- Employment/Tenant Credit Reports & Banking Write-offs
- Workers Compensation Records
- Verification of Social Security Number and Address History
- Verification of Education, Professional Licenses, and Previous Employment
Call or e-mail us today to improve your hiring decisions. |
Background Solutions Online can help protect your company from lawsuits by employees for “wrongful discharge” by obtaining comprehensive information about the applicant before you hire. We can also offer, post job offering information, such as Workman’s Compensation Records.
Someone’s background cannot be determined from a “first-impression” interview. Falsifying previous employment, education and criminal history is easy and common.
Pre-Employment Screening and Background Checks |
In today’s society, all employers need to take extra precaution when filling a position. With theft and violence increasing, you must protect your business, your staff, and yourself from prospective employees who misrepresent themselves.
Even those of us who consider ourselves to be a good judge of character must give considerable thought when hiring new employees. When employing Background Solutions Online, the burden of hiring a qualified individual is lifted because you can be assured that you have the most accurate information available. Background Solutions Online will assist you in designing a Pre-Employment Background Screening Report that is suited to your specific needs and your budget.
Our Average Turn-Around Times: The following applies to most states. Please contact us for exact turn-around times.
- State Wide Criminal Record 24-72 hours
- Driving Records Instant for most states
- Employee and Tenant Credit Reports Instant
- Worker’s Compensation Records 24-72 hours
- Social Security Trace Instant
What Background Solutions Online Needs From You |
We need to have you fill out a few forms that you will be required to sign and fax back to us. We can e-mail them to you or you can click the Get Started Button below which will bring them to you online so you can get started right away. Once we have the forms back, we can immediately set up your account and give you your login information. You can then access our website and begin running your own background screenings. Don’t forget that you can always give us a call to get started if you like.

We Make Pre-employment Background Screenings for HR Managers simple and easy.
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