Clear Lease by Background Solutions Online |
Attention: If your are a private landlord needing occasional tenant background
Screening please

 Background Solutions Online offers full tenant screening services to property managers, landlords, and others in the real estate industry. With over 80 million criminal, eviction, and tenant history records within our growing database, we can provide the most up to date and thorough screening process available to you.
Our ClearLease and ClearLease Plus packages offer you the ability to quickly determine the best tenants for your investment or to guard the best interests of your association.
Every ClearLease search includes the following instant reports:
Social Security Addresses & Verification (SSAVY) |
The Social Security Trace checks the validity of an applicant's Social Security Number. If the number is valid, the trace will identify the year and state in which the number was issued. The Social Security Trace will alert you if the number has not been issued, if it was used in a previously filed death claim, or if it was used with any fraudulent activity. The trace also identifies AKA’S that have been used and provides up to three (3) past addresses, which help in determining which counties we should search the applicant's criminal record.
Our Tenant credit history report includes verification of the applicants' name, their current address and two previous addresses, current phone number, current employer, up to three previous employers, and any aliases associated with the Social Security Number, the credit score, date of birth, along with their actual credit lines and history.
The Nationwide Criminal Scan is a powerful, comprehensive database search that provides same day access to the largest criminal database available with millions of offense records. It is a valuable information resource that may discover convictions in counties not identified in a Social Security Trace or Credit History Report by including convictions in counties that the subject may never had lived in. Records from states are indexed from state correctional institutions, sexual offender and violent offender lists, the Office of Foreign Asset Control, (OFAC) and some state and county court records.
State Sexual Offender Registry |
As per Megan’s Law, sexual offenders must register when they move. There are currently more than 550,000 registered sex offenders nationwide. Sexual offender searches are statewide searches of registered sex offender registry databases. In addition, we can add the following services to help you decide on the best qualified applicants:
Our ClearLease Plus offers you all the above with the addition of the following:
We provide court ordered eviction records in the following states: AK, AR, AZ, CA, DE, FL, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT,NE, NM, NV, OH, OK, OR, PA, TN, TX, UT, and WA. New sates are added as they become available.
Background Solutions Online Reference and Verification Department conducts phone verifications to the references listed by your applicant. We obtain the context in which the subject is known by the reference, moral opinion, work ethic opinion, character flaws, and personality traits.
Bank Charge offs and Bad Checks |
This consumer report covers information reported by banks that is not reported to the top three credit bureaus. It contains information about banking account charge offs, bad checks, and recent inquires by banks. This report is a must for landlords accepting checks, and who has employees handling their financial accounts.
 | Give one of our Background Screening Professionals a call today at 239.514.2940 or toll free to discuss options available to you. |
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